27 May 2010

You burn like a bouncing cigarette...

Flicked or kicked out of the car, incandescent. You have been between my lips, I have sucked your essence down. I have finished with you now though, I tell myself that. Even though I see you glow behind me and I want to go back and pick you up, kindle that glow again. You turn over and around and I see little hot spots, as if you want to remind me of what I will miss. Sparks fly, you do it on purpose to call to me. All sparks will burn out in the end.

(Inspired by The Editors:  Sparks)


  1. Great anaology, nice phrases, "incandescent, kindle that glow, all sparks burn out in the end" - beautiful stuff.

  2. Thanks Erin! Your comments are always thoughful and appreciated. I have to come clean, the title and the last line are lyrics in the song... the rest was me ;)


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