27 November 2012

#004: susurrus

today, I was reading John Banville's The Infinities... his prose is pebble-dashed with beautiful & descriptive words, and I just liked susurrus... it wasn't even the best word in the sentence but it pulled it all together.

"Presently our faithful blackbird will try out a splash of liquid notes in the dimmened and newly oppressive air, and then will come the first and faintest susurrus of rain, like the sound of a blind man's fingers reading braille."

1 comment:

  1. I learnt a new word today - from the crossword. 'Ecdysiast'. 'Shedding skin' I was told, but my dictionary tells me it is a striptease performer.
    And yes, susurration is the sound of the clothes ...


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